Amita Sanghavi, Dana Neri, Premio Città di Arona

Amita Sanghavi (Oman) wins the 3rd Prize at “Città di Arona” Poetry Contest with the poem “Dew drops on the petals”

Amita Sanghavi, Sultanate of Oman 


Dew drops on the flower
Baptize the petals.
Tear drops from the soul
Baptize the eyes.
Baptizer, the water,
Guilt cleanser, the water,
Thirst quencher, the water,
Seed sprouter, the water,
Feet soother, the water,
Formless, odourless, tasteless,
Life-sustainer, the water.


Critical Comment dy Dana Neri


The poem “Dew drops on the petals” is a brief and evocative composition that captures the beauty and purity of water, exploring its significance both physically and symbolically. The poet begins the description with the delicate image of dew drops falling on a flower, representing the power of water to baptize and refresh the petals.

The central theme of the poem emerges as the poet draws a parallel between dewdrops and tears of the soul, both capable of purifying and giving life. Water becomes the “baptizer,” the “guilt cleanser,” that quenches and sustains life itself. The author attributes to water a series of positive qualities, such as promoting growth (“seed sprouter”) and soothing pains (“feet soother”).

The poem culminates in the listing of water’s attributes: “formless, odorless, tasteless,” emphasizing its essential and universal nature. Water is presented as an indispensable vital force.

In general, the poem offers a reflection on the deep connection between water and life itself, suggesting that water is much more than a mere physical element; it is also a symbol of purification, rebirth, and nourishment. The simplicity and elegance of the words make this poem an ode to water, celebrating its value both physically and metaphorically.