Borche Panov, Novica Trajkovski

“Wolf” poem by Borche Panov, artwork by Novica Trajkovski, Republic of North Macedonia

Painting by  Novica Trajkovski –


poetry is just like my little dog

when she is happy she rears up on her hind legs

and she is howling with a hoarse voice to make me remember

that she used to be a wolf

I used to be a cave man

poetry has a growling stomach 

but she never shows that she is famished

the most important thing for her is

to jump on the empty chair

and to be a part of the family around the dining table

Translated from Macedonian into English by Daniela Andonovska-Trajkovska


Borche Panov (1961, Republic of North Macedonia) is an awarded poet translated into more than 40 languages. Works as a Counselor of Education in Radovish, and Arts Coordinator for the “International Karamanov’s Poetry Festival”. He has published 17 books of poetry and drama.