Robin Ouzman Hislop

“Dialogue with the Trees” by Robin Ouzman Hislop, UK/Spain

Robin Ouzman Hislop is a retired TEFL teacher and Translator who lives in Avila Spain and Yorkshire UK. He is Editor of Poetry Life and Times at . He is author of several poetry book collections and has translated from Spanish the poetry works of Guadalupe Grande and Carmen Crespo. You may visit: Robin Ouzman Hislop about author &, which features mostly his video poems and translated authors. See Robin performing his work Performance (University of Leeds)



            “Dialogue with the Trees” by Robin Ouzman Hislop is an enigmatic (I have complete confidence that he wanted it that way—he can write a fine and perfect sonnet at will) and nothing if not original work that, in one aspect, opens his secret soul to nature and even to the souls of trees—one of nature’s most beautiful productions, and, in another way to the reader’s, letting them share his sense of life.  In this piece the trees talk leafy talk to him and he talks to the trees, or, in another sense, he gives voice to the trees that they may tell us what they mean.  The mysticism of this profound and beautiful work moves us to a deeper understanding that inevitably leads to a powerful emotion.  Some may call it love—which e.e. cummings has said “is the all and more than all.”  It is an honor to share this piece called “A Dialogue with the Trees.”  My own emotions are stirred.  The enigmatic nature of Hislop’s writing induces, and finally compels thoughts and emotions that are naturally involved in any consideration of the enigma of life.  Sadness abides; but cheers are compelled for such writing.


COMMENT by Gary Beck

Dialogue-With-the-trees is a poetic statement harking back to the poignant expressions of thought and feelings that characterize good poetry. The form is mercurial and evokes images that recur and become thematic. Stanza after stanza portray harsh realities, complemented by delicate sensibilities. The poem is an emotional treat that contains enough allusions to captivate a reader.

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