Immagine & Poesia

“Sicilian Light” poem by Stanley H. Barkan, New York. Translation into Sicilian by Marco Scalabrino, Trapani



          (Sunset in Sicily, digitally reworked image by Lidia Chiarelli, Italy)


Credit: first published in
Stanley H. Barkan : Raisins with Almonds / Pàssuli cu mènnuli
, (Marco Scalabrino ‘s translations) published by  Legas Publishing  2013.

Poetry. Translated into the Sicilian by Marco Scalabrino. “Barkan’s Jewish soul has found in Sicily a receptive and maternal ambience. Perhaps his ancestors were among those who were forced to leave in 1493 when Spain chased them out of the island which had been their homeland for more than a millenium. So these poems are a coming home, not to Jerusalem, but to Sicily.”—Gaetano Cipolla




Even when

the summer sun

hides behind

a black cloud

or falls into the sea

between the Egadi isles

of Levanzo & Favignana,

large & red,

as if it were the end

of the first day,

the birth of the earth.


Even after,

the light seems to linger,

as if the Sicilian earth

were a source of light itself,

competing with moon & stars.


Even when

the mouth is parched

the stomach empty,

the sheer exquisite beauty

of Sicilian light

suffuses the spirit.


For a time

no candle, lamp,

or hearthfire

is needed

in or outside

the casuzze

of the people

of the sun.







Puru quannu

lu suli, di staciuni,

s’ammùccia darré

na furana nìura

o tracodda

tra Levanzu e Favignana

granni e russu

comu siddu fussi la fini

di lu primu jornu,

chiddu di la nascita di la vita …


puru tannu,

la luci pari addimurari

comu si la Sicilia, idda stissa,

fussi surgiva di luci

paràggia di la luna e di li stiddi.


Puru quannu

lu balataru è siccu

e la panza vacanti,

la grazia chi sgridda

di la luci di Sicilia

arricrìa l’anima.


Nudda stiarica, allura,

nudda lampa,

nuddu cufularu,

dintra o fora

li casuzzi

di li figghi

di lu suli.


traduzione di Marco Scalabrino