"Global Chinese New Year Poetry Concert", Lidia Chiarelli

Lidia Chiarelli at the “Global Chinese New Year Poetry Concert” for the New Year 2022 (TIGER YEAR).

Lidia Chiarelli

Lidia Chiarelli joins the “Global Chinese New Year Poetry Concert” for the New Year 2022 (TIGER YEAR), invited by Anna Keiko. (January 31, 2022)

《五虎呈祥》诗情辞丑岁 艺韵贺寅春2022全球华人新春诗艺音乐会2022年1月31日正值中国农历壬寅年春节除夕,《全球华人诗艺音乐会》主办方特别择此吉日,云集五大洲华人诗歌与艺术之贤才精英和热衷中国文化的多国著名诗人(包括诺贝尔文学奖候选人),隆重推出一场具有环球视野与学术高度的诗意盛宴!届时敬请关注文旅直播和其它多平台的全球播放。

The Five TigersPoetry and Art to celebrate the spring 2022 Global Chinese New Year Poetry Concert on January 31, 2022, the organizers of the “Global Chinese Poetry and Art Concert” have chosen this auspicious date to gather the elite of Chinese poetry and art from five continents and famous poets from many countries who are passionate about Chinese culture (including Nobel Prize candidates) to present a poetic feast with global vision and academic height! Please stay tuned for the global broadcast of the event on the Cultural Travel Live and other multiple platforms.