Anila Bukhari, Black Women, Poetry in Pakistan

Anila Bukhari (Pakistan): “Black women”

Black women “

Black women, radiant and bold,
Their stories waiting to be told.

Why, dear ones, do you doubt your worth,
When your beauty shines upon this earth?
Why do you question the hue you wear,
When black is a color beyond compare?

In a world that casts shadows of doubt,
Blackness stands tall, unyielding, devout.
It carries the weight of a thousand stars,
A testament to resilience that leaves no scars.

Oh, the nights that have witnessed your tears,
The struggles endured throughout the years.
White and brown mocking, with voices unkind,
But know, dear sisters, they’re blind.

For they fail to see the history deep,
The champions who fought, who dared to leap.
Muhammad Ali, the boxing king,
Maya Angelou, whose words still sing.

And let us not forget Mandela’s might,
A beacon of hope, a guiding light.
These icons, they wore the same shade,
And their legacies, in blackness, were laid.

So, black women, embrace the night,
For within it, your beauty takes flight.
You are more than the color you don,
A symphony of strength, forever strong.

No more doubting, no more despair,
In every step, know that you’re rare.
Black women, stand tall, proud, and true,
For the world needs your beauty, through and through.

Anila Bukhari

Anila Bukhari, an incredible young girls’ education activist and award-winning humanitarian, has truly inspired many. At the age of 10, she began her writing journey, and by the age of 20, she had already authored 11 books! Her passion for raising awareness about girls’ education, especially for blind individuals, and her focus on combating forced and child marriages is commendable. Through her project “Girls Shine,” Anila’s impactful work has reached 50 countries. Her books have been published not only in the USA but also in many other countries. Her poetry, translated into 20 different languages, has touched hearts worldwide. Anila’s dedication goes beyond writing. She created a YouTube channel called “Refugee Voice,” providing a platform for global refugees to share their life stories. Additionally, she established the “Butterfly Global Teachers Club,” implementing projects in schools worldwide, including art classes for women’s empowerment and combating child marriage. Anila’s efforts extend to refugee camps, where she has published a book based on poetry from those residing there, showcasing their talent and amplifying their voices on social media. Her impact as an inspiring leader is evident through her 200+ articles and her recognition with the International Excellence Award from the House of Parliament in London, where she competed against 800 other applicants. Anila’s ultimate goal is to provide education to every orphan and street child while ensuring the safety of girls from forced marriages. Anila Bukhari’s journey is truly remarkable, and her unwavering dedication to making a positive impact in the world is an inspiration to us all.